Thursday, December 20, 2012

Welcome to My Kitchen

Why I started baking, my future plans, and everything in between...

by Meredith Clemmons
Guest Contributor 

"Baking is my passion...
it's where I lose myself and find myself at the same time."

Ever since I was little, I have loved cooking. 
I would sit on the counter at my house watching my Dad make dinner. I would annoy him with tons of questions and I analyzed every move he made. I would spend hours at my Dad's store in the back room with the pottery and specialty food products, pretending I had my very own cooking show. While most kids played outside, rode fourwheelers or played with dolls, I stayed inside and threw together the craziest ingredients in huge bowls at my grandma's house. Half a bottle of cinnamon, half a bag of flour and a can of beans would be a likely concoction of mine, eww! As long as I didn't touch her buttermilk, nothing was off limits. While some kids were watching Barney and Full House, I would be watching Food Network! To this day, I would rather watch Food Network or Cooking Channel versus some reality show.

"There is something magical about starting with nothing
and creating something great."

Whitleigh Cupcakes ~ Chocolate Caramel Seasalt

Basically, cooking is in my blood. It is rooted deep within me; I grew up with it. I never took it seriously, however, until about a year ago. I got tired of eating out all the time since Dad was always late getting out of work. I asked Dad if he would give me some money for groceries, and since then I've been consistently making dinner. It was then I realized cooking was my outlet for creativity. There is something magical about starting with nothing and creating something great. Especially when it's something everyone enjoys... and who doesn't love food? 

Whitleigh Cupcakes ~ Reece's Peanut Butter

I wanted people to see what I could do. And it was too hard to find foods I could travel with and bring to parties - nothing that could showcase my talents as well as I would like. I finally tried baked goods. I had always been intimidated by it, but I discovered I was actually very good at it. It came naturally to me. It could be from watching a billion Ina Garten and Paula Deen shows;) I loved how I could just think of these combinations and create exactly what I planned in my head. I baked all the time, like two new cupcake flavors a week. It was something I could be proud of... I felt successful and accomplished whenever I completed a delicious batch of cupcakes that people would "ooh" and "ahh" over!

"I chose the name just made sense."

At work at Sunrise Grocery

Now, I sell my cupcakes at my Dad's business, Sunrise Grocery, and own my own business where I actually take orders! I chose my middle name -- Whitleigh -- for my business. It's my grandma's last name and my mom's middle name mashed together. I've always loved it because it was something very unique to me and special. It just made sense.  

Just recently I appeared at my very first festival. All of this is happening while I maintain a 4.0 as a Junior in High School! It has been so successful and has grown immensely in such little time. I am so blessed, not only because of the prosperity of my business, but because baking has taught me a lot about myself and that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. 

With my awesome dad Jason Clemmons at Brasstown Valley Resort  

With my supportive aunts,
Andrea Spiva and Jessica Volingavage


"I've always been told to do what you love..."

At this point, I don't see myself doing anything but owning a bakery or some form of baking business. I've always been told to do what you love, and baking is my passion and what makes me happiest. It's where I lose myself and find myself at the same time. In the meantime though, I will continue with Whitleigh Cupcakes. I am so excited to see where baking takes me next! ~

Whitleigh Cupcakes ~ Lemon Blueberry

If you are interested in my business, please go to my website: 
or like me on Facebook!
You can send me orders or ask me questions through
Also, I will be doing another festival over
Valentine's Day!
It will be the weekend of the Holiday and at
Brasstown Valley Resort & Spa.
Hope to see you soon! 
                                                       ~ Meredith

From  Hope you'll take a moment to leave a positive, encouraging comment for this talented, forward-thinking young baker and writer Like Meredith, I found my passion at a very young age.  A passion for something is in each of us. For adults, it's never too late to be what you could have been; never too late to follow your dreams. And for your kids.... it's never too early.  ~Jo

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Meredith Clemmons to be Guest Writer on

I'm excited to announce Meredith Clemmons of Whitleigh Cupcakes will be our guest writer this coming Thursday, December 20th.  Be sure to stop by to read Meredith's inspiring story about starting her own growing business while still in high school, doing something she loves.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Computer Heaven

It's been a while.  My Toshiba laptop passed away.  It lived a long and productive life, a good life.  And it served me well.  I learned a few good lessons from the experience of being without a computer for several days.

1)  Keep a list of things to do when the computer goes down.  I found myself wandering around nervously and aimlessly, fit to be tied (what does that even mean?)

2)  Keep a list of passwords OUTSIDE the computer.  Duh. 

3)  Have a game plan for if your blog passes away with your computer.  Mine did for several days -- even on the new computer -- before I was able to resuscitate it.  It had a near-death experience.  I had a this-can't be-happening experience.

4)  Learn to post to facebook with your phone before the computer passes away.

5)  Ask the drug reps I chef lunches for, if they have any tranquilizers for Pinterest withdrawals.

6)  Be better prepared for the faint feeling you'll surely get when quoted the price of an all new laptop.  It's a lie that computers are getting less and less expensive.  A BIG FAT LIE, I tell ya!

7)  Your computer passing away is what's called a Rainy Day.  Save for it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Anybody Can Make These Biscuits

I woke to temperatures in the 40s this morning.  I think my apple tree might bloom today.

When it's too cold outside (less than 30 Fahrenheit), I grab a cuppa and head to the sofa to snuggle under my red afghan until the warm liquid surges its caffeine rush through my body.  Then I clear my throat and say to myself: Okay, what day is it, so I'll know how to proceed.  Only today, Tuesday according to the calendar, for reasons I can't explain, probably because it was 41 Fahrenheit, but not sure that's the reason, I said to myself: I'll make biscuits.  When I chef a lunch for an office or conference, I'm in the kitchen wide awake by 4:30 or 5:00 a.m., but it's not to cook breakfast for me.  It's to cook lunch for them.

As I'm not a breakfast person (remember I'm the person who promised you recipes for a Holiday Breakfast weeks ago -- and I can't even bring myself to cook it -- welcome to reality blogging) needless to say, I was shocked at my alter ego for even suggesting such an act as making biscuits, and even more horrified my alter expected me to eat them. 

They just came out of the oven...........   I just ate one.  Heaven.  Now eating another considering eating another one........

Well, you know me -- my mantra is never cook anything without taking photos to share with the universe.  This is, after all, the age of information.  Here we go...

Jo White's "You Can Make These Half-Asleep" Biscuits

Preheat oven to 450
Spray a baking sheet

Into a bowl:
Grate 1/2 cup extra sharp cheddar

2 c. self rising flour, mixed with 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 tsp thyme, & 1/2 tsp cayenne
3 heaping Tablespoons real mayonnaise (NOT salad dressing)
1 cup milk

Stir lightly until just evenly combined (drop biscuits are better if you don't over-stir)  Drop 10 biscuits onto sheet pan.  Lightly Brush with melted butter.  Bake 15 minutes.  Devour.

Please excuse me.  I have to get back to my biscuits.

Bon Apetit!