Thursday, December 13, 2012

Computer Heaven

It's been a while.  My Toshiba laptop passed away.  It lived a long and productive life, a good life.  And it served me well.  I learned a few good lessons from the experience of being without a computer for several days.

1)  Keep a list of things to do when the computer goes down.  I found myself wandering around nervously and aimlessly, fit to be tied (what does that even mean?)

2)  Keep a list of passwords OUTSIDE the computer.  Duh. 

3)  Have a game plan for if your blog passes away with your computer.  Mine did for several days -- even on the new computer -- before I was able to resuscitate it.  It had a near-death experience.  I had a this-can't be-happening experience.

4)  Learn to post to facebook with your phone before the computer passes away.

5)  Ask the drug reps I chef lunches for, if they have any tranquilizers for Pinterest withdrawals.

6)  Be better prepared for the faint feeling you'll surely get when quoted the price of an all new laptop.  It's a lie that computers are getting less and less expensive.  A BIG FAT LIE, I tell ya!

7)  Your computer passing away is what's called a Rainy Day.  Save for it.


  1. Great list. You can get a cheap netbook for less than $250 and have it around as your go-to machine for when the main PC is having difficulties. Plus it's easier to carry around on trips and planes than the full size laptop.

  2. I'm going to start tomorrow looking into that. Thanks for the tip! ~Jo


Thanks for your comment! ~Jo