Friday, March 29, 2013

A Standing Ovation to Mamie Jane’s

I saw this idea –- actually shared on Decorating Ideas Made Easy, and it’s so clever, I’m sure it’s going to be making the rounds.  It originated from Mamie Jane’s blog.  And if you’d like to see the instructions, you can access them here:

As you can see, it’s an old cutting board, with a scrabble letter holder glued across the bottom and a wedge of wood glued to the back as an easel stand.  Then it’s painted – possibly with chalk paint, which I’m going to teach you to make in a future post (as soon as it’s warm enough to get outside and actually paint something, lol), and distressed.


Well done, Mamie Jane’s!


Happy Decorating! ~Jo

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Spring has Sprung

It may still be cold outside, but it’s beginning to look like Spring inside Dove Cottage.

Spring 2013
grier jmonogram

I spent the winter perfecting a few monogramming techniques for linens and throw pillows, and even monogrammed a few shirts.
monogram two waysmonogrammed shirt

I’ll post more photos as I redecorate with cool blues and greens, that will take Dove Cottage right through Summer.  Until then.....Happy Decorating!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making Up Isn’t Hard To Do

I committed the Cardinal Sin the other day.  It was Sunday morning, and I opened my mineral powder makeup, shook that little bottle to call up some of the fine powder, and none came forth.  Empty!

When I was a kid on the beaches of Miami, my skin was a smooth, even rosy gold from the sun.  But the older I got, the redder my skin undertone became, until now as an adult, I have to cover it with mineral powder to even the tone.  I looked at the clock and discovered there simply wasn’t time to rush down to the drug store for makeup. (We don’t have department stores or Clinique in Bville.)

My career has been interior design for more than 35 years, and personal chefing for the last 10 years, so I think like a designer and engineer.  Studying the way things are put together and the way they work, for me, is relaxation – sort of like your sitting down and putting together a jigsaw puzzle.  I can almost look at something – anything – and figure out the basics of how it’s made and put together, and short-cut it in some way.  Your complicated recipe with 30 ingredients, becomes my simplified recipe with 3 ingredients – with the same result.  So here I am taxed with the challenge of coming up with makeup.  No problem!

I rushed into the kitchen and began pulling things from shelves and cabinets:  cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, powdered sugar, canola oil.   You'd think I was going to make Apple Pie! (NEVER use Turmeric or Saffron, or Curry Powder which contains these two ingredients --- unless you actually like a skin tone of screaming electric yellow that won't wash off!)

I began to mix a little of this and a little of that until I had what looked pretty close to the few grains left in the brand bottle, and voila – makeup!  After sifting to remove lumps, I ran my finger through it and tested the mixture on the back of my hand, then added a little more ginger.  Pretty good so far.

I continued sifting into a bowl, added a drop of Canola oil, mixed a little with a spoon (no need to mix until it’s thoroughly even – as you swirl it on, it will even out), used my little brush, swirled and tapped just like with the real stuff, and not even I would have known the difference ---  except this home-concocted makeup smells and tastes good, lol, and is all natural without all those chemicals we support by buying the brand names.  Truthfully, it was better coverage than my store-bought variety, and lasted longer before touching up. It also occurred to me that I could adjust homemade makeup as the seasons changed, and my skin tone changed with them -- I could go lighter or darker or pinker or yellower whenever I needed.  Hmmmmm…..

I still need to go to the drug store, though – to buy mineral oil for the next batch I make.  Who knew? ~Jo

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Blue on Blue

I’m certainly not encouraging you to drink this much vodka or wine or anything that comes in a blue bottle, but this idea comes from Lark, a member on, and I think it’s a good one.  Recycling is nothing new, and we’re forever searching for bigger and better ideas.  I just happen to really like this one.  What’s easier than tipping a bottle over and sinking its neck in the ground?  Lark says she cut a deal with a guy at the bottle recycling plant, and voila, all the blue bottles she needed to create this fabulous garden border.  Genius!  Well done, Lark!

Happy Gardening!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spring Basket Wreath

You can either buy something like this from Door Wreaths by Design or make a simple version yourself.  There are many hanging baskets that are flat-backed, allowing them to hang flush against a wall, window or door.  If your door is in a sunny location, fill the planter basket with something like petunias, bacopa, or calibrachoa.  If your door is in a shadier location, try pink impatiens mixed with caladiums.  Nice change from a wreath.  To keep basket from bumping against a glass window as in the photo, put a couple lengths of peel & stick foam weather stripping on the back.  Happy decorating!  ~Jo

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Scrap Lace Curtain

Here's a link to a fun blog, and a photo of something I think you'll love as much as I do -- I don't know if the photo is colored sepia, or if all the parts are actually the wonderful taupe color, but it's gorgeous!

Dishfunctional Designs: Scrap Lace Curtain

 Happy Decorating!  ~Jo

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Tisket, a Tasket, all in a Basket

Here’s a pic of what I did this weekend – I finally got around to organizing the open pantry. I didn’t have the nerve to take a “before” photo, as it was too messy and embarrassing, and I couldn’t possibly let you see it that way... a Southern lady just doesn't air her dirty laundry!!

It was really stupid to let it get as messy and unorganized as it was. There was no real excuse, because I have a huge assortment of baskets in the shed along with more décor than several families need.

Speaking of all that décor, I have some unusual things from my years as a decorator, and it's maybe time to let some of it go. What do you think? I’ll tell you what I think - I think I should start a facebook page to sell it all.  There are many yard sale pages, but beautiful home decor kind of gets lost between the jeans and guns and prom dresses.  I'll keep you posted on that.  Happy decorating! ~Jo

Saturday, March 2, 2013

All You Need

Sometimes you just need to move things around!  What has been in one room for a while, gains a new life by simply moving it to another.  Such is the story of what I did today.

trellis pot rackLast summer, I drew up a plan to upgrade the kitchen a little.  First the cabinets will be painted true white and a new floor is in my future.  On the interim, I took two trellises from the garden and re-purposed them by stacking one on top of the other, and hanging them from the ceiling.  This killed two birds (don’t ever really kill a bird!) with one stone.  The trellises covered the fluorescent fixture that is in the plans to be replaced with pendant lights, and they also acted as a pot rack.  While working on the fluorescent fixture the other day, I took the pot rack trellises down and they were just sitting around the kitchen for a few days. I needed to get them out of the way.

So I did this:  

mirror with trellises
I simply stood them up against the mirrored wall behind the sofa, and they added instant texture and dimension.  I’ve never been one to tell you to go out and buy all new furnishings when you need a change.  Sometimes all you need is to re-think, re-purpose, and move around what you already have.  These trellises went from the garden, to the kitchen, to the living room.  And they're probably temporary even there, 'cause knowing myself, I'll find many more places for them.  Happy decorating!